Export as: Excel

Species Report

Search Criteria

  • Search - click to search for records matching criteria specified on Species and Additional tabs.
  • Reset - click to clear search criteria and previous search results.
  • Species Group - select from drop-down to limit search to a group like Birds or Crustaceans.
  • Name - leave blank to search for all species in the Species Group. Alternatively, to search for a specific species within the group, type the first few letters of the species name and the application will return choices based on the characters you enter. Choices will be restricted to group you specified, and are further restricted by choosing to search Scientific or English (common) Names. You may also select to search synonyms (Scientific and English).
  • Scientific Name - if selected, your Name search will be restricted to Scientific Names.
  • English Name - selected, your Name search will be restricted to English (common) Names.
  • Inc Synonyms - if selected, your Name search will include Scientific and English Synonyms.
  • Habitat - limit your search to species found in a marine, terrestrial or freshwater habitat. For example, use this filter to generate a list of freshwater fish, or marine fish.
  • Barkley Sound - limit your search to species known to occur in Barkley Sound.
  • Sensitive Species - limit your search to sensitive species. These are species BMSC considers vulnerable to exploitation or disturbance. Collections/observations of sensitive species are only visible to selected users.
  • Breeding Bird - limit your search to bird species known to breed in Barkley Sound.

Results Instructions

  • Search results are displayed in a table, and are limited to species that match the search criteria. To modify a search, (optionally) click reset, enter new Search Criteria, and press the Search button again.
  • Results displayed - to change the number of records displayed, use the drop down box at the bottom of the results table.
  • Paging - to view multiple pages of search results, use paging arrows, or page input, at the bottom of the results table. The total number of pages, as well as the total number of records is displayed on the bottom bar. If the table is empty, and Page says 0, then either you haven't searched, or there are no records that match the Search Criteria.
  • Sorting - to sort results by any column, clicking on the column heading (ie Scientific Name).
  • Species Summaries - to view a Species Summary, double click on the row of interest. Species summaries include citations for relevant BMSC publications.
  • Export Results - click 'Export as Excel' to export search results to an Excel file. The resulting Excel file includes additional columns. For non-Admin users it is limited to 5000 records. If a complete export is required please contact the University Programs Coordinator.

Results Metadata

Note: Excel export includes all columns below.
  • ID - A unique identification number for the organism. Specific to this application. Clicking on the number will open a Species Summary page.
  • Taxon Level - Indicates whether the record is for a species, or lower taxonomic level (i.e. population or variant)
  • Scientific Name - Names of vascular plants and vertebrates, are provincial standard names from Ext LinkBC Species and Ecosystems Explorer . Names of seaweeds are from Ext LinkAlgae Base. Names of marine invertebrates are from the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (Ext LinkITIS).
  • Scientific Name Synonyms - Other scientific names by which this organism is known
  • English Name - Names of vascular plants and vertebrates, are provincial standard names from Ext LinkBC Species and Ecosystems Explorer. Names of seaweeds are from Keys to the Seaweeds and Seagrasses of Southeast Alaska, British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. Phycological Contribution Number 7. Names of marine invertebrates are from the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (Ext LinkITIS).
  • English Name Synonyms - Other English names by which this organism is known
  • General Habitats - Marine (M), Terrestrial (T) or Freshwater (F)
  • Kingdom
  • Phylum
  • Subphylum
  • Class
  • Subclass
  • Order
  • Suborder
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Barkley Sound - 'Yes' indicates the organism occurs in Barkley Sound. For terrestrial and freshwater organisms this definition includes all land draining into the sound. For pelagic birds, it extends 16 km (10 miles) offshore.
  • Sensitive - 'Y' indicates BMSC considers the organism vulnerable to disturbance or exploitation
  • Exotic - 'Y' indicates the organism is not native to British Columbia
  • Species Code - Code designated by the provincial Resource Information Standards Committee
  • Summer and Winter Presence - used primarily for birds, values include: abundant (easy to see; often large flocks), common (should see), uncommon (must search for), rare (lucky to see), casual (one or two records each year), accidental (five or fewer records) and pelagic (seen primarily offshore).
  • Breeding Bird - 'Y' indicates the bird breeds in Barkley Sound
  • CCAC Report - BMSC must report collections of this organism to the Canada Council on Animal Care
  • BMSC Track - BMSC requires all collections of this organism to be entered in the database.